This website and all images contained herein - © Rye Wurlitzer Academy 2025
ESN Visit 2011 ESN Visit 2011 Rye Wurlitzer Richard Moore presents Len Rawle with some Rye Marmalade Thomas and Jamyma The RWA Contingent visiting the ATOS Convention in Los Angeles 2012 2012 ATOS Banquet RWA With ATOS CEO Ken Double at 2012 ATOS Banquet The RWA meets Winnie the Pooh at Disneyland Venice Beach Venice Beach Disney's Hollywood Organist John Ledwon gives the RWA a masterclass October 2013 With Christian Cartwright - Pipes In The Peaks - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Learning how to make motors from wood, leather and animal glue at the Astoria Centre, Barnsley - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 LTOT Theatre Organ Heritage Centre with Roger Fisher - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 LTOT Theatre Organ Heritage Centre Wurlitzer - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Chris Powell in Concert at the LTOT Stockport Town Hall Wurlitzer - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Organist and Restoration Expert Kevin Grunill showing how organs work at his Astoria Centre, Barnsley - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Blackpool Tower Wurlitzer - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Students join the dancing at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Richard - Blackpool Tower Ballroom - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Chantelle and Jamyma sit on the stage! - Blackpool Tower Ballroom - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Jamyma - Blackpool Tower Ballroom - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Thomas - Blackpool Tower Ballroom - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Blackpool Tower Ballroom - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Dabvid Lobban at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 With Steve Tovey at The Barn, Cannock - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Steve Tovey at The Barn, Cannock - RWA Northern Tour April 2013 RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Michael Wooldridge, Dirkjan Ranzijn and Richard Moore - Rye - September 2013 RWA Northern Tour April 2013 Robert sings accompanied by Michael - Student Concert - 26th November 2013 Student Concert - 26th November 2013 Dan - Student Concert - 26th November 2013 Charlotte - Student Concert - 26th November 2013
The second part of our gallery - Earlier Memories The photos here are in more or less chronological order, with the newest first, though where they reflect a trip, those in that section are mostly in the order of events during the trip. Please remember that it is not permissable to copy any of these photos.
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Rye Wurlitzer Academy
Anneliese remembering Judy Garland - RWA Old Time Music Hall - February 2014 Andy, Anneliese, Des, Cherry and Michael with their jars of RWA Marmalade! - RWA Old Time Music Hall - February 2014
We hope you enjoy looking back at these photo memories of just some of the many special moments in the life of the RWA
Jamyma's 100th Lesson - Celebratory Jam and Doughnuts from Richard and Michael! Liane Carroll, Michael Wooldridge and Gareth Thompson - Wurlitzer Jazz Night - March 2014 Michael and The New Foxtrot Serenaders - June 2014 ATOS UK Young Theatre Organist of the Year Competition 2014 - Jamyma 2nd, Thomas Winner, with Michael and Richard - Fentham Hall Lianne Carroll, Michael Wooldridge and Gareth Thompson - Wurlitzer Jazz Night - March 2014 Thomas preparing to play at the ATOS Woking Christmas Concert - Dec 2014 Richard Moore, Tony Wilson, Carole Paternoster, ATOS UK YTOY 2014 Thomas Pickering and Michael Wooldridge at the Singing Hills Wurlitzers - RWA Fund-Raiser Event - May 2015 Tony Wilson & ATOS UK YTOY 2014 Thomas Pickering at the Singing Hills Wurlitzers - RWA Fund-Raiser Event - May 2015 Los Angeles Organist Tony Wilson delivers a masterclass for our RWA students - May 2015 Jamyma receives coaching from Los Angeles Organist Tony Wilson - May 2015 Lucy joins Michael in concert at the Bognor Regis Methodist Church CHristmas Tea Afternoon - Decmeber 2015 The RWA Catering Department at the May 2015 Pizza and Pipes event A visit to the Wurlitzer at the Musical Museum, Kew Bridge - November 2015 Robert joins Michael in concert at the Portslade Town Hall Theatre Organ - May 2016 Alex Payler visits Rye to show the students his Yamaha Stagea and provide plenty of musical inspiration - April 2016 Yamaha Stagea and the Rye Wurlitzer - April 2016 Jamyma plays the East Sussex National Wurlitzer in a concert featuring the three top placed entrants to the ATOS UK YTOY Competition - April 2016 Trip playing aboard the historic Motor Vessel Balmoral - Rye to London - June 2016 Everybody joining in for the finale piece with The Battle Town Band and Michael Wooldridge at the Wurlitzer - July 2016 On the bridge of the Balmoral - Trip playing aboard the historic Motor Vessel Balmoral - Rye to London - June 2016 James Bond Night with the Rye Bay Crew and Michael Wooldridge at the Rye Wurlitzer - September 2016 Freya receiving the Christie Cup for most promising entrant at the 2016 ATOS UK Young Theatre Organist of the Year Competition at the Astoria Centre Barnsley - September 2016 Disney's Hollywood Organist John Ledwon visits Rye to give our students an inspiring masterclass - September 2016 Dan joins Michael in concert for the Bognor Regis Methodist Church Summer Tea Concert - August 2016 Lucy receiving the Dean Herrick Trophy at the 2016 ATOS UK Young Theatre Organist of the Year Competition at the Astoria Centre Barnsley - September 2016 - for the previous year's entrant who has done the most to further the theatre organ in the UK Jamyma joining Michael Wooldridge to play at the Singing Hills Christmas Concert - December 2016 Brother and Sister Act! Jayden sings accompanied by Freya in the ATOS Woking Christmas Concert  - December 2016 The entrants - Dan (RWA), Freya (RWA), Lewis (Hull), Dominic (Blackpool), Lucy (RWA) and Robert (RWA) at the 2016 ATOS UK Young Theatre Organist of the Year Competition at the Astoria Centre Barnsley - September 2016 Jayden singing accompanied by Michael Wooldridge to entertain whilst the judges adjudicate at the 2016 ATOS UK Young Theatre Organist of the Year Competition at the Astoria Centre Barnsley - September 2016 Charlotte and Robert singing in the RWA Christmas Concert accompanied by Michael Wooldridge - December 2016 Jamyma playing in the RWA Christmas Concert - December 2016 Richard Moore at Rye Town Hall to receive a donation for the RWA from The Rye Fund - January 2017